
  • Archaeological Museum of Heraklion

    The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion

    I imagine that a lot of visitors to the nearby site of Knossos decide to skip Heraklion’s Archaeological Museum. There’s only so much history one can take! But this is a huge mistake. Not only is the museum an indispensable companion to Knossos, as home to most of its recovered treasures, but it’s actually a…

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  • Knossos

    Knossos: The “Modern” Minoan Palace Near Heraklion

    Just outside of Heraklion, the biggest city and capital of Crete, lie the ruins of Knossos: one of the most remarkable archaeological sites in the Western world. Knossos was home to the palace of King Minos, and thought to be the center of the extinct Minoan kingdom. It’s a place drenched in history so ancient,…

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  • Chania Old Market

    The Old Market Hall In Chania

    If you look at any map of Chania, it’s easy to locate the Municipal Market: just look for the cross-shaped building in the middle of town. Each of the four “wings” has its own entrance, all of which lead to the large hall in the center. This is a great place to come for fresh…

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  • Puzzle-Loutro-Hike

    The Coastal Hike from Loutro to Hora Sfakion

    Our stay in Loutro was short but sweet. We had just a single day, not even twenty-four hours, to bask in the quiet beauty of this tiny village. There are only two ways to access Loutro: either by boat, or by foot. And since we had taken the ferry in, we decided to hoof it…

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  • Finikas

    Early Morning Hike From Loutro To Finikas Bay And Back

    After waking up in Loutro, we went to the top of our guesthouse, just to make sure the town was as amazing as we remembered, and that yesterday hadn’t been some vivid dream. Clutching mugs of coffee, we watched the morning sun pour in over the cliffs, bathing the bay in a soft, warm light.…

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  • Loutro

    The Villages of Loutro & Chora Sfakion

    A splash of white at the bottom of the cliffs, the village of Loutro looks like someone spilled paint out of a bucket, then decided not to clean it up. “Nobody will see it anyway, all the way down there.” It’s not unreasonable, because without a boat, you never would see Loutro. This tiny, gorgeous…

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  • Beaches Of Chania

    Exploring the Beaches Of Chania, On Foot

    Because of its Venetian Harbor, Chania doesn’t have a beach directly in town. But you don’t have to go far to reach some. In fact, you can leave your car at home — given the city’s chaotic parking situation, it’s likely you’d need more time to find a spot, than you would to walk the…

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  • Leather Making Chania

    Traditional Leather Processing Workshops Near Chania, Crete

    Before tourism staked its claim, Chania was leather territory. For years, this had been the place to buy the famous tall, black leather boots of Crete, especially along Stivanandika Street. There’s still plenty of leather being sold on this street, but the workshops are gone, replaced by an unbroken lineup of identical tourist shops. If…

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  • Chair Maker Chania Crete

    Making Traditional Chairs in Chania, Crete

    Even if you’ve never been to Greece, chances are you know these kinds of woven chairs, because they’re found in Greek restaurants around the world. We love seeing traditional crafts being made… but we never expected to open our front door and see a guy weaving a chair, directly across from us! I was sitting…

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  • Wuppertal Schwebebahn

    The Wuppertal Schwebebahn (Suspension Monorail) — Since 1901

    On the last day of my short but intense trip to Germany, I arrived in Wuppertal, to finally fulfill one of my childhood dreams: riding the city’s famous suspension monorail, called the Schwebebahn. I recently wrote about the Skytram suspension train at Düsseldorf’s airport, but Wuppertal’s is on a whole different level. The Schwebebahn is…

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