Places We’ve Visited for Less than 91 Days

Although we prefer to spend a long time at each spot we visit, we’re not always traveling the world For 91 Days at a time! Here, you’ll find articles about some of the places we’ve visited, unrelated to our 91-days pattern. Some of these were weekend getaways, and some were locations where we were able to spend a few weeks… but we were still taking cool photos and having incredible experiences, and wanted to share them with you here!

Vicente Domínguez Fallas Artist

Fallas Artist Vicente Domínguez

We decided to get in touch with Fallas artist Vicente Domínguez, in advance, and ask if we could sto…

Duck Fountain Plaza Almansa

A Day Trip to Almansa in Castilla-La Mancha

We drove out of the city, across the border separating Valencia and Castilla – La Mancha, and into A…

Digging into underground garage

An Era of Construction in Valencia 2021

Hot on the heels of the pedestrianization of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the city has fast-tracked r…

Edel Rodriguez Trump Exhibition Valencia

Edel Rodríguez, Agente Naranja: The Trump Art Exhibition

Agente Naranja (Agent Orange) is the title of an art exhibition being shown at the Centro Cultural C…

Pandemic in Valencia

Valencia: Enduring the Pandemic With Photography

Ten years ago, Mike and I started traveling the world with this project called "For 91 Days". Since …

Ghost Town Valencia Covid-19

Valencia Ghost Town, After the Covid-19 Lockdown

Going through my photo archives from last year, I have to admit that I went maybe a bit over the top…

Hung Galaxy 2020 Valencia

Hung Galaxy Exhibition, at Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences

Upon seeing pictures of the Hung Galaxy show at the City of Arts and Sciences, I initially thought t…

Carrer dels Valencians

Playmobil Street Sign Scenes in Valencia

One of the things we like most about Valencia, is how active the street art scene is. Even during th…

Entrada Navidad

Christmas Impression: Valencia 2020 and Largest Nativity Scene

When the pandemic started early this year, I don't think anyone expected it to last until Christmas.…

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