Places We’ve Visited for Less than 91 Days
Although we prefer to spend a long time at each spot we visit, we’re not always traveling the world For 91 Days at a time! Here, you’ll find articles about some of the places we’ve visited, unrelated to our 91-days pattern. Some of these were weekend getaways, and some were locations where we were able to spend a few weeks… but we were still taking cool photos and having incredible experiences, and wanted to share them with you here!
Aerial Views of Spain, Switzerland, Greece
We had the chance to get some unique views over Europe during a couple weeks of air travel, with a r…
A Sunny Winter Day in Alicante
We visited Alicante for two days in mid-December. After visiting the giant nativity scene, and getti…
Christmas in Alicante
Alicante is known for its gigantic nativity scenes which occupy the Plaza del Ayuntamiento during Ch…
Valencia Secret Tour: La Lonja Tower
Climbing the tower of La Lonja (silk market) has long been at the top of our Valencia wishlist.
City of Arts And Sciences – Selfie Spot Supreme
But despite the suffocating crowds, we've not lost any of our initial love for the place. The City o…
The Nolla Ceramics Palace North of Valencia
This palace was built next door to the Fábrica de Mosaicos Nolla, and meant to be both the residence…
Teruel’s Pinares de Rodeno Park And A Roman Aqueduct
Although there are around 60 cave paintings in the park, most of them are strictly protected and tot…
Albarracín: The Canyon And The Castle
Good morning from Albarracín! We are now on our second day visiting what many claim is Spain's most …
You Want Medieval? Head to Albarracín
After two lovely days in Teruel city, we continued our journey through the province of Teruel, drivi…