
  • Covid19 Rainbow

    Covid-19 Valencia: Terrace Photo Project

    When we’re back home in Valencia, I don’t take nearly as many photos as when we’re traveling. But still… I have to take some! Two months of confinement, due to the COVID-19 Virus, has challenged me to find new inspiration from a single physical location: our terrace. Every single day of the lockdown in Spain,…

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  • Covid19 Valencia

    Valencia COVID-19 – Our First Walk through the City After 48 Days

    Spain has been on a strict lockdown since March 14th, because of the COVID-19 virus, with strict laws designed to keep people inside and to enforce social distancing. We knew it was serious when Valencia cancelled Fallas… but even then, we weren’t expecting to endure seven full weeks of quarantine. Spain has been among the…

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  • Cant de l'estoreta

    Cant de L’Estoreta Fallas 2020 – The Traditional Children Parade Before La Planta

    The Cant de L’Estoreta tradition came to life in the 1960s, thanks to the Fallas commission of Plaza del Árbol. Adults and kids alike dressed up in antiquated clothing, and reenacted the obsolete tradition of walking with the estoreta velleta, an old carpet upon which neighbors could place their old junk they accumulated over the…

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  • Romeria del Cristo de la Salud El Palmar

    Unique Boat Procession: Romería del Cristo de la Salud en El Palmar

    For the past ten years, Valencia has been our home base, but we had never managed to experience the Romería del Cristo de la Salud, held on the Albufera Lake, just south of the city. This unique boat procession is held annually on August 4th, but before explaining it, we’d like to introduce you to…

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  • 15 Batalla de Flores Valencia 2018 DSC01877

    Flower Battle Valencia 2018: Batalla De Flores

    The Batalla de Flores it not an event for those allergic to pollen, because you’ll walking home covered in it. The “Flower Battle” marks the conclusion of the month-long Gran Fira de Valencia (formerly known as the Feria de Julio). This is the third time I’ve gone to see it; once the event gets going,…

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  • Biking Tour Valencia Harbor

    Biking Tour Valencia: The Other Side Of The America’s Cup Harbor

    When you hear blockchain, you probably think about a bunch of people crouched over their computers all day, never seeing the light of the day. That might actually be accurate, because I had a phase recently, where almost all of my waking hours were spent working on Steemit. But then the @actifit app came around,…

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  • 04 Correfoc Gran Fira Valencia 2018 DSC01606

    Correfoc Gran Fira De Valencia – Pictures And Video

    What a special evening this was! It was the perfect evening to enjoy a correfoc, which is a fireworks parade, and one of Valencia’s most unique events. There was already a special atmosphere among the crowd, because it was also the night of the ultra-rare lunar eclipse that was crossing over Europe. In fact, it…

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  • Recorte Valencia 2018

    Recorte – Bull Jumping For The Gran Fira De Valencia 2018

    Without its bulls, Spain wouldn’t be hardly be recognizable. These animals are deeply ingrained in Spanish history and culture, and you see the influence everywhere, perhaps most notably in the giant silhouette figures which decorate many of the country’s highways. Of course, the idea of “bulls in Spain” instantly brings to mind the classic bullfight,…

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