
  • Goya in Valencia

    The Goya Awards Come to Valencia

    For the first time in its 36-year history, the Goya Awards were held in Valencia. The Goyas are the Spanish version of the Oscars, celebrating cinematic excellence, and just like the Hollywood event, has become a showcase for glamour and fashion. 2021 marked the centennial birthday of Luis García Berlanga — widely recognized as one…

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  • Fallas Figure 2022 Manuel Algarra

    Where the Fallas Magic Happens: Ciutat Fallera

    It’s hard to believe that it’s almost time for Fallas 2022! We can still smell the smoke from the last edition of the festival (there might still be gunpowder particles in our noses). Fallas 2021 really wasn’t all that long ago — because of the pandemic, it was celebrated in September instead of March.

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  • engraellat mascleta

    Antique Daylight Firework in Valencia, The Engraellat Mascletà

    Hold your ears for this antique firework called Engraellat. Valencia has never been lacking ideas on different ways to ignite gunpowder. If you’re a longtime reader of our blog, you’ll know that the city is an epic center of fireworks.

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  • Sad Fallas Figure

    Random Fallas Figures of 2021

    On the last few days of Fallas, once all the figures have been erected, you got roughly 4 days to see as many figures as possible. As mentioned before there are roughly 800 of them (split up half in a kids figures and the main figures) and it’s impossible to see them all. Of course…

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  • Piratas L'Antiga de Campanar Fallas 2021

    Too Precious To Burn! Our Favorite Fallas Figures of 2021

    If this is the first time you’re hearing about Fallas, and the first time you’re seeing photos of the amazing figures which are constructed around the city, you’re probably not going to believe (too precious to burn) that they’re all burnt to the ground.

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  • Valencia Virgin from behind

    La Ofrendà of 2021: Masks and No Spectators

    If a Valencian from 2018 had been able to glance three years into the future, they wouldn’t understand what’s happening. Why is Fallas being held in September?

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  • Fallera golden and silver hear combs

    Falleras in Masks 2021: Parades to Pick Up Fallas Prizes

    The Fallas of 2021 is probably the weirdest Fallas of all; not only because it happened during the month of September, during a pandemic, but also because all of the Falleras and Falleros were wearing masks while marching in the big parades through Valencia.

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  • Valencia Giant Woman Head Why

    The Plantà of the Meditadora by Escif – Fallas 2021

    Fair warning, I have to admit that I’m obsessed with this Fallas figure by Valencian street artist Escif. It began when I saw the original sketches for the figure commissioned by the city of Valencia, for Fallas 2020.

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  • Faller Hugging Moon Fallas Ninots 2021

    Summer Fallas 2021 Ninot Exhibition

    Fallas in the summer is something that’s never happened before (as far as we know), and to get into the spirit, we went to the 2021 Ninot Exhibit, held at the Marina.

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  • Vicente Domínguez Fallas Artist

    Fallas Artist Vicente Domínguez

    We decided to get in touch with Fallas artist Vicente Domínguez, in advance, and ask if we could stop by his workshop.

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