Pandemic in Valencia

Valencia: Enduring the Pandemic With Photography

Ten years ago, Mike and I started traveling the world with this project called “For 91 Days”. Since then, we haven’t stayed in one place for more than four months… until 2020. Like everyone else in the world, we were suddenly stuck at home. It’s been a difficult adjustment for two guys accustomed to a mobile lifestyle.

Enduring the Pandemic La Lonja

But how can we complain, when we’re “stuck” in a place as beautiful as Valencia? In some ways, Covid has done us a favor, by forcing us to spend time with our chosen home. We’ve spent the year discovering surprising new corners of a city we thought we knew inside-out.

Right now, there are a lot of restrictions in place: we’re not allowed to leave the city on weekends, we can’t meet with friends, bars and restaurants are closed, masks are required even during exercise, and there’s a curfew. Even though regular life has ground to a halt, we’re still allowed to take walks outside… and as a photographer in such a picturesque city, that’s enough. I go out every day, and always discover something new.

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The sudden lack of travel in our lives has definitely been frustrating… but even though we probably could arrange some sort of escape, and fly off to a country with fewer rules, it doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. These restrictions are in place for a reason; they’re not just obstacles to sneak past. So, these travel bloggers are staying put.

At least, we’ll stay put until we’re vaccinated! At the current rate of distribution in Spain, that might not happen until 2022. That seems so far off, it makes me want to vomit. Discovering Valencia has been great fun for one year, but does it have enough surprises to keep me inspired for two?

Somehow, I wouldn’t doubt it!

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Enduring the Pandemic Photos:

  • 56 Valencia Stock Photos DSC06805
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  • 02 Valencia Stock Photos DSC06534

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